The Safeguarding Team

If you have any safeguarding concerns, please come and speak to one of our safeguarding team.


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Designated safeguarding lead: Mrs Helen Mapp


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads: Miss Rhiannon Balfour, Mrs Stephanie Sylva and Miss Chloe Richards.


Around our school you will see posters of the safeguarding team - these serve as a reminder to children, staff, volunteers and visitors about who people can speak to if they are worried or have a concern. 


Our chair of Governors is Mr Ben Cooper. Ben leads Safeguarding on behalf of our Governors. Part of Ben’s role is to challenge our procedures and policies, ensuring that we are effectively safeguarding all of our pupils.


All our staff receive safeguarding training regularly and understand and follow our policies relating to safeguarding children. 


We encourage all children, through class conversations and assemblies, to speak out and stay safe. Children at The Bewbush Academy know that they can talk to any member of staff and they will be listened to and taken seriously about their concerns.