Safer Schools England for Parents

Dear Mums, Dads and Carers,

Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all of our children. Safeguarding is a priority and ‘the golden thread’ that runs through our school and our Academy Trust. To support you with safeguarding at home, especially online, please download the following app. 

The App is free to download from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

Follow our Table of Contents on the right hand side to go directly to the sections you need.

As an adult user, you'll need to start by creating an account. We do not require the children to do this due to GDPR compliance. Your account is used to allow you to utilise the features with the App.

Step 1 - Open the Safer Schools England App. Select that you are a Parent/Carer.​

Step 2 - You'll now be prompted for an email address and password. If this is your first time, select Create An Account in the box underneath the log in bar. Enter your name, use an email address you have access to and create a password

The 4-Digit PIN Number or the QR Entry Codes are provided by the school, and are unique to every school.

Logging in with a PIN Code or QR entry code

If using a PIN Code to log in, you'll need to search the school name first. Once you see it pop up in the list, select it and click Continue. Then you'll see a screen with 4 spaces. Enter your unique 4-Digit PIN Number here, and tap Enter Code.

If you use a QR Entry Code, you won't need to search the school's name. Just tap the Scan QR Code option and this will open a camera in-App for you to scan it with. Once you do, this will log you in/add the correct school and role to your account immediately.


The code for The Bewbush Academy is:




Step 3 Once filled, tap Register. You'll then see a terms and conditions pop-up.

You'll need to scroll down to highlight the Agree button. Once it's highlighted, you can tap Agree. If you do not scroll down, you will not be able to continue. Once this has been agreed to, your new account has been created and you'll be directed to the Add School Or Role page.