Safeguarding Curriculum

Safeguarding and the promotion of British Values is central to our work at The Bewbush Academy. We prioritise opportunities within both the structured and unstructured curriculum for children to learn about safeguarding. We challenge children to think deeply about safeguarding matters and their own personal, physical and mental wellbeing. 

Our PSHE curriculum provides our children with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that they need to effectively navigate the complexities of life in the 21st Century. It incorporates aspects of safeguarding which will support children to make informed choices now and in the future around their health, safety, wellbeing and relationships. We enable our children to acquire resilience, knowledge, understanding and skills that impact on their personal development, behaviour, welfare and personal safeguarding.

Our outdoor learning offers a unique opportunity to learn about safety in our locality including understanding risks.

Safeguarding opportunities are planned into the curriculum, for example:

  • Safeguarding Assemblies
  • Road safety (including school visits, bikeability, work with police officers in the community)
  • Poolside and water safety through swimming lessons
  • Visitors from charities such as NSPCC
  • Work from local voluntary sector services particularly around safe transition to Secondary school
  • Online safety and the use of social media
Online safety

The Bewbush Academy strives to keep our staff, pupils and families safe online. Every class is taught about online safety and we regularly hold events to further raise awareness. 

At our school we use the Safer Schools App.  Safer Schools supports our staff, pupils and school community, providing up-to-date online safety safeguarding information.  It is designed to support and protect children by educating and empowering them both at school and at home.  Through the logins, pupils can receive information that is relevant to them and parents will receive tips and advice on how to keep children safer online.

The Safer Schools app is available for download from Google Play (android devices) or the App Store (Apple devices).  When you have downloaded the app, you will need the QR and code to get started.  There is a QR code for Staff, another for parents and a third for Pupils.  QR codes are available from the School Office.

Our school uses Smoothwall to monitor and filter the internet. Smoothwall sends alerts directly to the Safeguarding Leads to allow for an immediate response.