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Personal, Health and Relationships Education
Personal, Health and Relationships Education (PHRE) is a term used to combine the areas of personal, health and relationships education. PHRE is about the emotional, social and cultural development of pupils and involves learning about relationships, healthy lifestyles, diversity, personal identity and how to keep safe both in the real world and online.
We believe that Personal, Health, Relationships Education (PHRE) is the foundation of a child’s learning. It helps give children the skills and understanding they need to be morally good, healthy and independent citizens. In addition, it gives our children the opportunity to learn about their rights and understand how their actions affect others. We want our children to know and experience the components of safe relationships - in the real world and online.
In order to prepare pupils for their future learning in PHRE, our curriculum is based around five themes;
- Family and Relationships
- Health and Wellbeing
- Safety and the changing body
- Citizenship
- Economic wellbeing
In Year 6, our children learn through an additional theme of
- Identity